Lachie turned five months old last week and, on the advice of our paediatrician, started solids. I'm glad to report that he's taken to it with gusto (better than he ever was on breast or bottle). He's also cutting his first tooth, poor kid. Who knows, one day we might have a whole month in which he isn't in some sort of pain!
Ben's been in his element this weekend. Its been warm (32 degrees c today) and he's spent a lot of time running around outside with his Dide (granda) in the garden. He's also completed his first work of art (see pic) which is a relief as, until now, crayons have only featured in his life as an integral part of his diet (alongside cat food and
Tonight we were flipping through his animal book and he pointed at an orangutan and said (I thought) 'O-chie' (which would have been hilarious as I've been telling him since he was eight months old that it's his dad). When he repeated the word, it was actually, clearly, 'monkey'. So there y'go.
Not as funny, but twice as satisfying.