Friday, August 04, 2006

Voodoo babes?

Okay, now I'm getting slightly concerned.
The last week, as you know, has not been good - aside from Tilly's arrival.
I did, however, think that things were getting better. Ben's third tooth cracked through, his fever broke, his flu began to subside and the Big Bloke was also feeling better. Then yesterday, having posted Tilly on the Knitted Babes blog, I started to feel positively, well, 'positive' so I took a jaunt into the city to buy a belated birthday pressie for my best buddy. As I reached to get Ben from the baby seat, I was hit by a spasm of pain across my chest and upper back. I swear I thought I was having a heart attack. The pain subsided and I did what all sensible mums do (ie ignored it and continued to lug around my nine kilo child).
Five hours later I went to bed complaining of heartburn (duh!) and then awoke this morning to find that I COULDN'T MOVE. Seriously. Ben was crying in the nursery and I couldn't actually get out of bed, never mind pick him up from the cot. Thank Goodness Big Bloke hadn't leftf or work yet.
So this is how I found myself at 9am this morning on a chiropractor's table having emergency work done.

I am seriously beginning to wonder whether there's a knitted voddoo babe out there with my name on it. If so, stop it right now, whoever you are. I've had enough.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Tilly has arrived!

Introducing Tilly! Reinvented as a blonde, Tilly today hit her strides and launched herself onto the Knitted Babes scene. Unfortunately she's still in her birthday suit (not her fault, poor dear. She hasn't got any clothes yet - or at least that's what she'll be telling Paris Match when the photos resurface in ten years time).

What Tilly wont be telling the Paris set is that she's currently got a bald patch - actually more like a tonsure - at the back of he head and will possess this for the foreseable future until I can be bothered to spend another hour sewing on her 4ply hair.

But Oh Madame Tilly! What you lack in hair you make up for in joie de vivre.
Vive Ms Tilly!

Rush to hospital

We ended up at the Royal Children's Hospital last night. Ben's flu was getting worse and he had a temp of 38.9 and had refused food all day. I phoned the telephone nurse and she said to take him to hossie asap.
Turns out our fella has TWO flu viruses (one from Dad, the other from my gorgeous Goddaughted Maddy), conjunctivitus and a toe infection. He's now on antibiotics. I feel like such a terrible Mum but the registrar kept telling us that it wasn't our fault and that we'd done such a good job because, despite his food refusal, he wasn't dehydrated.
Anyway, to add insult to little Ben's injuries, we got home and realised that his top right tooth had broken through. Poor little fella.

(Big intake of breath and long sigh.....)

Okay, knitting: My Knitted Babe is getting there. She's emerging slowly. I thought she was a redhead but when I started adding the strands she looked at me and I realised that Belinda Carlisle she is not!!! If I get a break froim nursing today I'll buy some blonde and try that. She's a water babe but as we're aussies and very sunconcious, she's a paler surf chick with a love of factor 30 sunblock.

Will post work in progress piccie later today.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Knitting saves the birthday horrors

Okay, so this is my first post and it's not good. Nope. It's pooey. I had the all time worst birthday - turned 35 - and knitting was the only thing that kept me sane. First Age, my bloke, got sick with flu. Then my six month old got the same lurgy. Then I started to get it but can't, obviously, because I have to look after my little Ben and big blokey.
I found myself at 6pm, on Tuesday, with a shocking headache, sitting on the deck in a cold Aussie winter, grabbing fifteen minutes knitting time while watching the sun go down. That was my birthday moment.

To try and rectify the situation, my brother in law Steve and his wife, Ann, babysat for us last night so that we could go to the Melbourne Comedy Theatre to see Woman in Black. I didn't know what it was about but I'll tell ya this, it wasn't funny... bloody terrifying!!! Honestly I was petrified. I don't think I've even been so scared at the movies. I actually burst into tears? (I know!!! How lame is that?) We rushed home and hugged Ben. And if anyone else has seen the play you'll know why I'm taking the rocking chair out of his nursery today!!!! (My husband is trying to convince me that it's not a rocker, but a glider, so I shouldn't be so silly etc)

Of course, on a happier note, I bought myself a present - Knitted Babes by Claire Garland. I can't wait to get started. Hoping to join the blog if I'm allowed!!!

Okay, my current knitting learning is that I'm never again knitting a sweater that doesn't have shaping. I've just completed a simple v neck sweater in a gorgeous lilac mohair mix. Gorgeous wool, yukky jumper. It makes me look pregnant! Seriously if I wear it people will start telling me to put my feet up (which isn't a bad idea come to think of it). If anyone can tell me how to rectify this situation with clever blocking or sewing up, I'd be pretty rapt.

Okay. Off to work on my cardi.